
Feb 19, 2019
News of the next Mitchell Mystery Reading Group coming soon!
Over at my site, I had a great time in November 2018 moderating an all-readers-invited Internet discussion of Gladys...

Nov 11, 2018
The Mitchell Mystery Reading Group has launched!
This week, the first blog entries were published to celebrate the group reading event of The Mystery of a Butcher's Shop (1929). I'm...
Oct 5, 2018
Introducing the Mitchell Mystery Reading Group!
Hello mystery fiction readers and Gladys Mitchell fans (and those discovering her writing for the first time) -- I am thrilled to...

Sep 17, 2018
One more Gladys Mitchell review (and more) coming soon!
For a while, I have not added much to The Stone House, my Gladys Mitchell tribute site. There are a couple reasons for this: first,...

Apr 15, 2018
Other Author Reviews added!
Most of the new review posts occur at my other site, , where I read and discuss a number of Golden Age Mystery and...

Jan 7, 2018
Review added: THE SEVEN STONES MYSTERY (1949)
While nearly all of the Gladys Mitchell book titles are represented at The Stone House with a personal synopsis and review, I add one...

Oct 1, 2017
New Review! GRAND MASTER by Stephen Hockaby
Nearly all of Gladys Mitchell's mysteries and books have original summaries and reviews available on this site, but there are a few...

Apr 23, 2017
"Daisy Bell" : Now appearing as Alfred Hitchcock Magazine's Mystery Classic!
I'm very happy to announce that Gladys Mitchell's lively detective Mrs. Bradley makes an appearance in the current issue of ALFRED...
Apr 19, 2017
The Stone House, version 2.0
Welcome to the new version of The Stone House, my tribute website to Gladys Mitchell and her lively psycho-analyst detective, Mrs....