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One more Gladys Mitchell review (and more) coming soon!

For a while, I have not added much to The Stone House, my Gladys Mitchell tribute site. There are a couple reasons for this: first, nearly all of the author's mysteries, historical novels, and children's books are represented with summaries and reviews that I had the great pleasure of writing over the years.

Second, I am adding new reviews of classic and contemporary crime fiction over at my other site, . Third, full-time employment at a local college keeps me busy (and often exhausted).

HOWEVER, I'm happy to report that two new events will be happening at . I'm preparing to post a final GM review, this for the extremely rare children's adventure novel OUTLAWS OF THE BORDER published in 1936 under the pseudonym Stephen Hockaby. (The National Library of Scotland kindly provided me with a text photocopy for academic purposes.) With the Outlaws review added to the site's Bibliography page, all 86 novels that Gladys Mitchell published will be represented with a summary and review!

Also, in early October I will announce a special November project that I'm very excited about. It will be an opportunity for GM and Mrs. Bradley fans (as well as readers new to these stories) to take part in a group reading project. Details and logistics are forthcoming, so stay tuned!

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Jason Half,
circa 2001
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